
Robotic material handling, with a human touch, ensures product integrity.

Ash Cloud implements a 100% pre-assembly material inspection

Ash Cloud supports numerous industries, each with their own unique needs and varying materials. Ash Cloud has the capability to handle low volume and high mix production. Making sure all goods meet our standards, Ash Cloud implements a 100% pre-assembly material inspection.

Our assembly, using robotic material handling, secures product quality and uniformity. This refined assembly process also results in very low defect rates and minimal waste. Employing human and robotic tools, each component of production is carefully examined before and after assembly.

Capability fused with impeccable standards

Ash Cloud assembly features delicate and sought after consumer materials such as leather, neoprene, webbing, and polyurethane. Common products include phone and tablet accessories such as cases, stands, and folios. Ash Cloud also produces important medical peripherals such as goggles, face shields, and swabs.

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Ash Cloud Wiki

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